I dont know what to call this particular post but just something that touched me so deep somewhere that its hard for me to get out of that wondering, "I am so intrigued" mode. There is an urdu term for it for which I cant think of the right translation right now... I am finding it hard to get out of the "حصار" of this encounter. Oh here i go rambling about the word choice again ....
So this is what happens. A colleague of mine was due to present a research he had pursued with the rest of the faculty members. Now his topic was of corporate governance and using some secondary corporate and governmental data sources he had accumulated 5 years worth of data for more than 1000 US based public companies to examine governance practices. The whole premise or what I understood of it was of examining the nature of relationship good governance practices/ endeavors have on questionable practices from governance point of view. Now with all the tests he ran his conclusions were the craziest ever, With all the statistical tools he used he was able to derive a bidirectional relationship between the two variables. Putting it in non fancy language... i love playing around with the newly and not to mention partially learned statistical/quanti language... thou shalt not be vain :))
Oh well putting it in non fancy terms he suggested that with all the indicators he took to identify good governance practices from questionable governance practices or governance concerns there seem to be a reciprocal relationship between the two. Simply put they both become causes of each other. Governance concerns would yield good governance practices but at the same time good governance would create avenues for raising questionable governance practices. And this is where it got me thinking? forget about policy implications and recommendations what is freaky is how very Ying Yangish this whole thing sounds.
You see in theory you would implement good governance practices in order to ensure questionable practices were limited if not abandoned but if they reciprocate than the underpinning is that good breeds evil as much as the evil leads to good. How very conflicting but how very "Human". Show me one man who is without a dichotomy within and I would give you a dead man... the beauty of Human beings being that entity that lies in between, always in transition, always in some shade of grey is just so amazing. And we transcend this to organizations we create also haha
Remember that feeding the right wolf story? (if not see here
but isn't it that the digestive tracks of the two wolves are connected? what if they feed off each other what if they only exit in twos never one?
How do you attain that which is your true human potential while negating half of who you are? its all if i put it in censored way "intercoursed", lol.... oh i just didnt want to say fucked up ... oops i just said it :)
I dont even know who I should be thanking (sarcastically obviously) for messing up the good old right and wrong for me! In the world of Wicked the evil green witch is justified.....
I dont know what to call this particular post but just something that touched me so deep somewhere that its hard for me to get out of that wondering, "I am so intrigued" mode. There is an urdu term for it for which I cant think of the right translation right now... I am finding it hard to get out of the "حصار" of this encounter. Oh here i go rambling about the word choice again ....
So this is what happens. A colleague of mine was due to present a research he had pursued with the rest of the faculty members. Now his topic was of corporate governance and using some secondary corporate and governmental data sources he had accumulated 5 years worth of data for more than 1000 US based public companies to examine governance practices. The whole premise or what I understood of it was of examining the nature of relationship good governance practices/ endeavors have on questionable practices from governance point of view. Now with all the tests he ran his conclusions were the craziest ever, With all the statistical tools he used he was able to derive a bidirectional relationship between the two variables. Putting it in non fancy language... i love playing around with the newly and not to mention partially learned statistical/quanti language... thou shalt not be vain :))
Oh well putting it in non fancy terms he suggested that with all the indicators he took to identify good governance practices from questionable governance practices or governance concerns there seem to be a reciprocal relationship between the two. Simply put they both become causes of each other. Governance concerns would yield good governance practices but at the same time good governance would create avenues for raising questionable governance practices. And this is where it got me thinking? forget about policy implications and recommendations what is freaky is how very Ying Yangish this whole thing sounds.
You see in theory you would implement good governance practices in order to ensure questionable practices were limited if not abandoned but if they reciprocate than the underpinning is that good breeds evil as much as the evil leads to good. How very conflicting but how very "Human". Show me one man who is without a dichotomy within and I would give you a dead man... the beauty of Human beings being that entity that lies in between, always in transition, always in some shade of grey is just so amazing. And we transcend this to organizations we create also haha
Remember that feeding the right wolf story? (if not see here
but isn't it that the digestive tracks of the two wolves are connected? what if they feed off each other what if they only exit in twos never one?
How do you attain that which is your true human potential while negating half of who you are? its all if i put it in censored way "intercoursed", lol.... oh i just didnt want to say fucked up ... oops i just said it :)
I dont even know who I should be thanking (sarcastically obviously) for messing up the good old right and wrong for me! In the world of Wicked the evil green witch is justified.....